A) The group name of the characters from the books.
B) The name of this publishing ministry.
C) Any young person who loves God and wants to change the world, now.
D) All of the above.
The ministry behind the books, Life Corps seeks to set the world on fire and make the will of God be done on earth, as it is in Heaven. We do this by teaching children as young as 9 the ways of God, and show them how to live a Christian life in the modern world, and change the world around them.
A Life Corporal is more than just a young believer who's said the sinner's prayer. They are a unique remnant, the ones who God sees when the eyes of the Lord roam throughout the world, looking to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him (2nd Chronicles 16:9).
We follow the story of Theodore Addison, a young engineer with a high IQ, and his friends, as God molds them into the image of His Son. As none of us are perfect, neither are they, and their molding takes time and many different methods. You may see yourself in one or more characters.
Anyone younger than 16 is eligible to join the Life Corps. You can download a copy of the Life Corporal Identification Card below, and make copies to share with young people who love God and are devoted to Him. The card is included in the sample chapter of "5th Grade Challenge".
Above all, know that God loves you whether you go from a 1-star corporal to an 8-star corporal, or 8-star to 1. God's love never runs out.
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